Melanochelys trijuga (Indian Pond Terrapin)

The Monsoon has set in once again and all the animals have suddenly come to life along with greening of vegetations all around. Its wet, its humid but nevertheless its pleasant outside. A night's stroll yielded lots of spotting of animals otherwise not common. This terrapin, though mentioned common in books, yet its hard to spot one usually. This one was in a slow flowing irrigation water channels just near by. Its shell can be seen covered with algal growth which makes it perfectly camouflaged in its murky water surroundings. Upon my approach it depended completely on its camouflage and didn't move.

As mentioned in books, it did release some obnoxious smell when handled. Other than that, it was completely harmless even though it was armed with sharp claws. The shell was hard and had ridges. The plastron (under covering shell), was dark brownish with yellow borders.

All in all, a beautiful docile creature.


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