Animal hunting the pray and the predator
Do people need this sport of moose hunting or its just the other way round. What do we need to hunt or curl the moose, dear, elk and the caribou population in a given animal habitat.
I guess to many the meat is just a delicacy. For my learned friend and for the animal rights groups it might be just the perfect reason to work on a new research while for most of the animal lovers in the vicinity of these moose, dear elk and caribou territory is just a way to go by the books to control the population as it is done or has been done in many parts of the world to control the spread of animal diseases and for the balance of nature which can only be done by man. You have to control the population or they will die in a widespread disease that could wipe out most of the moose in on area. Moose have been hunted since the beginning for the meat and will continue to case the different arsenals used in moose and dear hunting for the generation and generations to come.

Another option is to quickly accelerate to get past the animal. It is difficult to choose this option fast enough to be effective because accelerating feels very counter-intuitive at this point. However, in the right circumstance, it can be your best option to avoid a collision.
Sometime deer will freeze in car lights as you approach even if they are not directly in the roadway and then suddenly bolt into the roadway as you drive close by them. In some instances this will result in the deer hitting the side of the car. This is tough behaviour to encounter as slowing down could result in the deer being even more likely to hit your car. The best advice for this may be to keep driving at the speed you are going without any rapid change in speed or direction and let the deer's natural instincts take care of both of you. It obviously helps to moderate speed in circumstances where this might happen.
Think ahead about how you would personally react in the situation of a deer or moose appearing before you. This pre-preparation mentally can make your reactions better and calmer.
One deer means more deer. Deer travel in herds and if you see one, slow right down as there will be many more. Moose are less gregarious, so one moose may simply mean one moose but it is still suggestive that more moose are in the area. And cows are frequently with a calf.
Use the headlights of other cars to help you scan for deer or moose. Watch for moving shadows within the beams of the other cars for signs of deer or moose.
Watch for water intersecting with the road - creeks, swamps, and wetlands are moose and deer attractants. The road is an easy pathway out of these waterways for an animal, so there is a higher possibility that they may be around them.
Get a motel room, pull over and rest or stay where you are and leave later if you feel that driving around deer/moose is too dangerous. It is better to arrive alive and late than to be injured or killed in the name of punctuality.
Be extra aware if there is a fire. Deer and other animals will move quite a distance away from the fire and will cross roads far from their usual areas. Even if the fire is miles away, watch for the animals at any time to be leaving the fire areas.

Do not drive if you are sleepy or you have had alcohol. Being sober is not only a prerequisite for driving safely, it is also essential for avoiding collisions with animals.
Deer whistles are somewhat of a gimmick; do not expect them to work.

Fences along the roads are not an assurance of safety. Deer or moose can walk around them, through them or over them. Don't rely on them; for peace of mind, drive carefully instead.
If you swerve away from a deer or moose in the road and hit something else, like a safety rail or tree, your automobile insurance may charge you for an at-fault accident and make you pay your collision deductible. If you hit the animal you will pay your comprehensive deductible, which is often lower than your collision deductible. Don't switch on the vehicle's internal lights. This causes glare on the inside of the windshield which could reduce visibility and make the animals harder to see.
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