Jumping Spider

I wasn't aware of the beauty of these common in-house spiders called Jumping Spiders. They are quite a company living along with humans so skillfully that we don't even realize. Looking back, I have seen many of them on the walls and on my old motor-bike feeding on insects, but I never really paid attention to the details of it's morphology. Nice numerous eyes, four pairs of limbs, hairy body, nice hairs standing over its head. :)
It was only when I saw a BBC documentary on Tibetan wildlife, I realized their true beauty. In that documentary they mention that, these Jumping Spiders are very much at home on high altitudes. In fact so much so that they are found on Mount Everest, climbing which is considered an amazing feat by us humans.
The beauty of this creature again amazed me through the photographs taken by someone who has posted only the pictures of jumping spider in projectnoah site. www.projectnoah.org
Well the spider is considerably very small and getting a sharp picture would require a very good camera with a strong magnification powered lenses (macro lenses). I took this shot with a canon SX30IS. which is good but not that good. I shall continue experimenting with it.
I shall upload my pics of the same type of spider over here, as and when I get to take them. Cheers. 


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